Placenta Encapsulation

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What is Placenta Encapsulation?

The placenta is considered a powerful and sacred medicine by many, there are various ways in which you can benefit from your placenta following birth and all are equally spiritual and physically supportive to the new mother and her newborn. The most modern and simplest way to consume the placenta is in capsule form, also known as placenta encapsulation, (or freeze-dried) into placenta pills or placenta capsules. There are two types of encapsulation methods, Simple Dried Capsules and Steamed Dried Capsules.

births every year year in Scotland, England & Wales
in 10 women suffer from post natal depression every year
hours uninterupted sleep per night for new mums (on average)

Simple Dried Capsules

When processing your placenta with the simple dried method we do not steam the placenta, we simply dehydrate at 70ºc for one hour minimum to eradicate any surface pathogens and or yeasts, followed by 55°c for the remaining time. The placenta is dehydrated for 14-16 hours and can help as a quick ‘pick me up’ increasing energy levels during those early days, aids postnatal healing, reduces bleeding, balances hormones and has also been reported to increase milk supply, not to mention improving and enhancing the appearance of skin and hair!

Steamed Dried Capsules 

The steamed dried method, also know as Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) used by the Chinese since around 1578, involves steaming your placenta with ginger to aid circulation, lemon for grounding and green chilli for warming the blood and body, offering different healing properties prior to being dehydrated for 8-10 hours. The TCM has been described as the calming pills (or capsules) Placenta Solutions Scotland steam your placenta with ginger, which aids circulation, green chilli, which warms the blood and body & lemon which helps with grounding. The TCM capsules are very calming and has equally similar benefits as that of the simple placenta capsules, the only downside is the yield tends to be less than that of the simple method due to increased processing, however equally beneficial with the added bonus of being reported as very calming!

Placenta Encapsulation | Placenta Pills | Scotland | Government Recogn

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